In the last 20 years, the number of starving people all over the world has increased terribly, nowadays arriving at over 800,000. The concentration of land property has increased too; at the same time, the parallel expropriation and expoliation process of the peasant masses has advanced. Land desertification has progressed, endangering the Earth’s ecological equilibrium itself, on which our life depends. On the wake of Seattle and Genoa, we have come here in mass today from many corners of the world. Workers, young people, women, peasants: here we are all together to fight against all that and to assert – with our struggle – the right to a life in which every human being would be free from hunger and poverty. |
In Europe and in the USA the granaries are full, the refrigerator cells contain large quantities of meat and butter, we produce "too much" wheat and "too much" milk, the cows have to be slaughtered and the fruit has to be destroyed. But in the rest of the world, malnutrition is chronic and increasing.
Big steps have been done with the application of science and technique to agriculture and zootechny: nevertheless, for the South of the World this means only impoverishment, indigence and increasing alimentary dependency.
Never as today, we have been witnessing such an immense crime: a huge abundance in the West Countries, while the 4/5 of the humanity are forced to live in the blackest indigence. Right are the people from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, when they say, with their fights, that hunger is not a product of shortage of agricultural products, or lands, or productive means, but it is due to the unequal distribution and use of world wealth.
to the secular colonial and neo-colonial robbery, all the productive
resources (and not only the alimentary ones) have been concentrating in
the hands of American and European capital. The capitalistic globalization,
daughter and legitimate heir of these processes, is accelerating,
extending and intensifying them to a degree never seen before.
Every year, millions of land workers are uprooted, expropriated of their lands and thrown in the hell of shantytowns, or are forced to emigrate here, in the West, where they find racism and other forms of exploitation and oppression.
The large estate - in perfect alliance and symbiosis with the interest of the multinationals – is more than ever alive and strong, so the peasants (and not only the poor ones) are more and more subordinated to the requirements of the global big powers and transformed into precarious wage-earning farmhands.
As every kind of productive activity, food production is totally subordinated to the profit of big agricultural and food corporations and of the international finance. The unavoidable consequences are the slump of the agricultural products' prices in the South of the World, the fall of the farm workers' wages (often under the level of subsistence), the progressive desertification of entire regions, and so on.
also here, in the "golden" West, the requirements of profit
begin to reveal themselves, although in a different way. Crazy cows,
dioxine chickens, meat with hormones, contaminated vegetables and fruit
threatening health: tables and supermarkets are overfull of nasty food. At
the same time, the increasing use of herbicides and chemical agents causes
heavy problems to the health of peasants, farmhands and food production
To cut down the production costs and to maximize the profit, with no care about people’s health: this is the only commandment of the capitalism. In the field of food production, it is more and more evident that science and technology (such as biogenetics), when subordinated to the dominion of profit, become a cause of worsening and deterioration for human life instead of being, as they could, a powerful help for human needs.
Moreover, European farmers and breeders too (which are not propertyless) are more and more hit and forced to answer to the diktats imposed by the main capitalistic structures through the UE institutions. So, farmers and breeders are totally subordinated to the multinational companies. The milk breeders' struggle of past years is just the real demonstration of how oppressive is the dominion of big capital over all humanity, of how unbearable it is even for this kind of self-employed workers (although less and less independent in facts), who, of course, are not underfed people. This struggle itself (although limited and sometimes a bit suspicious) take to blame the absurdity of this social system: a system which imposes milk dumping because of "market reasons", while hundreds of millions of human beings do not know even what milk is.
Huge public financing (the USA intend to allocate 180 billions of dollars in agriculture aids for the next ten years) to big agricultural and food industry, protectionism and dumping: the dominion of the big global companies over all humanity is accompanied, promoted and protected by the monstrous bureaucratic and military structures of the Western States. And if the "economic measures" are not enough, gunboats are ready to turn up. Millions and millions of human beings are murdered every year by hunger: is this the other face of the same war (such as in Iraq, in Palestine, in Afghanistan and in Yugoslavia) run by the Western countries against the peoples who do not submit themselves to the laws of the "Profit God" and of the "Market God", and who are trying to fight against the robbery of all their resources.
the WTO, the FMI and the World Bank are rightly recognized as the main
responsibles for the increasing poverty of entire continents, movements
and people who want to fight against the present order often consider the
FAO in a somewhat different way, as a structure with which it is possible
to have a dialogue and on which put pressure in order to let it attend its
institutional duties and contribute to solve the humanity alimentary
problems. But believing that the Fao could really fight hunger is like
believing that the ONU could really stop wars. Beyond all the words, the
ONU has always blessed and supported every Western attack, such as the
wars in Korea and in Vietnam, or the bombings of Baghdad or Belgrade. In
the same way, the political action of the FAO in all these years not only
has been ineffective, but, in the long run, it has weakened the
agricultural productions of the South of the world, and it has been all to
the Fruit Companies' advantage such as the Monsanto. Therefore, the FAO is
not a "different option", but it is simply a tentacle (although
the least aggressive) of the same giant squid that dominates the world and
whose head resides in the chanceries and in the boards of directors of
Washington, Wall Street, London, Rome and Paris.
"All the peoples all the people should be able to have enough food and water". When the peasant movements of the South of the world claim to exert alimentary sovereignty or ask for setting free agriculture from the rules of the WTO and the worldwide commerce, they are just formulating, in other words, that simple and basic requirement.
Of course, the penetration and spreading of the dominion of the multinationals and the inflexible rules of the international market have destroyed the original economic structure and agricultural production of the Southern Countries, have expropriated growers of their lands and "know-how", have ravaged entire regions and taken hunger to a chronic and massive degree never seen before. All that is true and against all that it is necessary to fight hardly.
But at the end of five centuries of colonialism and imperialism, which have been drawing blood from entire continents and unified in a planetary scale the whole productive cycle (to the only advantage of Western countries), the answer cannot be "to come back to the past", to a world in which all the countries would supply on their own. In such a way, those who are rich would continue to be more and more rich, and the others more and more poor and alone.
Among those who rightly want to fight against these shameful and vile inequalities caused by the present market relationships, it is common the idea that the practice, "from the bottom", of another kind of trade - so-called "fair trade" – would help to restrain the multinationals from their harmful overpower. Moreover, this practice is often seen like a possible instrument useful to join together people form the North and from the South of the World and to extend and support the struggles of the "coloured" continents. Too much frequently, a damned wall of indifference surrounds and stifles, here in the West, the struggles of the masses of the South of the world. In order to pull down that wall, it is necessary to promote more close relationships between the workers of the West and the people of the South of the World. To this end, it is right and useful to denounce with all the means how harmful are the rules imposed by the WTO, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. That rules are harmful not only for the small growers of Asia, Africa and South America, but for the growers of the overfed West too. It is useful to denounce the speculation of the multinational companies that buy cacao at a low price from the Brazilian peasants and sell it at a fortune. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that no actual answer could be given by a hypothetical and impossible "fair trade". The reality is that trade would always be an unequal instrument of rubbery in the hands of who possesses huge capitals and military force. Which fair exchange could ever exist between the small Andean peasant and the Fruit Company? In this system, there is no game.
The only alimentary sovereignty actually able to guarantee food and water for all can be reached only through the organization and the unification of the struggle at a world-wide scale, on the basis of a program aiming to destroy the roots of the actual international capitalistic order. It is necessary to reorganize all the international economic production (not only the agricultural one): it has not to be subordinated to profit, but to the complete fulfilment of human needs. It is necessary a reorganization of the entire society based on a brotherly, fair and not mercantile system and on the co-operation among peoples; a reorganization that would be able not to refuse the discoveries of science and technology, but to subordinate them to the needs of the human kind. On the contrary, we see that such discoveries – for example, in genetic and alimentary field – become destructive and antisocial tools in the hands of "God Money" priests.
Of course, we are aware that it is still a long way from socialism – that is, the social organization we propose. But at the same time, we say that the struggles of the Indian labourers and peasants against the agricultural and food-multinationals, the land-occupation movement in the Zimbabwe, the heroic struggles against the large estate in Brazil, are expressing, just now and here, the necessity of a general policy statement and organization of the fights of the rural masses on a world-wide scale.
When the Brazilian Sem Terra explicitly launch their outcry "Peasant of all the world unite!", it is because clearer and clearer is the awareness that the single "local question" can be faced only in a general and world wide perspective, only trying to unify our forces – above all the national borders – in defence of our common interest against a common enemy. The fight of farmhands and peasants of the South of the World for an actual and radical agrarian reform, for better job conditions and for political and trade-union rights, does not clash – in facts – only with the local governments and exploiters but - above all - with the great centres of the economic and financial power of the West, that are behind and over them.
These pushes, already in action, to a common organization and fight must be strengthened and supported in any case. It is important not waste this enormous energy in the vain purpose of reforming the not reformable institutions of the international Capitalism. On the contrary, farmhands and peasants have to join the struggles of all the exploited of the world: the struggles of the labourers who - in South Korea as well as in the United States, in the mines of the South Africa as well as in the factories of the "old" Europe - are more and more compelled to have one international dimension in order to face the global aggression of capitalism. The struggle of women (remember that is feminine the 60% of the agricultural labour-force in the world), who raise their head against the crushing of their rights and their existence and who have given birth to the first world-wide march against the poverty and the violence, in the year 2000. The courageous struggle of the Palestinian and Islamic masses, assaulted by the imperialism. The struggle of young people, that begin to react to a present and a future of precariousness and material and spiritual misery filling up squares and striking against the global big powers.
In Seattle as well in Genoa, these subjects have begun to find themselves flank to flank: the American metal worker and the Indian peasant, the Brazilian worker and the European one. This is the road to pursue and to strengthen in order to construct one unitary international front of the proletarians, a front which would be able to globalise the struggle and the class organization for communism, fighting the capitalistic globalisation and its burden of hunger, destruction and misery.
the newspaper of OCI