In this page we publish texts of hand bills or article
on the che fare newspaper about topical subjects concerning the class struggle.
The page is updated continuously by the taking up
of a stands elaborated by the centre or by various division of our organization.
At present there are available the following topics
- Let's mobilize against the new Usa-Nato
aggression to the arab islamic peoples!
- The attack against the Twin Towers and the Pentagon
- Everyone to Genoa against globalised
capitalism (from che fare n. 55)
- Against the World Economic Forum (Davos 27/1/01)
- Against the Yankee (and european) aggression in Colombia!
- The struggle of korean proletariat is our struggle!
- Long Live the uprising og oppressed palestinian masses
- The lessson of Seattle
- Southern Lebanon: the resistance of the lebanese
masses forces Israel to withdraw.... (from che fare n° 53)
- For the World March of Women in Washington 15-16/10/2000
- Initiative against Economic Globalization in Prague
october 2000
- To immigrants workers (for the immigrants demonstration
in Rome e Brescia 17-17/6/2000)
- In support of immigrants (a leaftet given out in
november '99 in Turin during a rally organized by immigrants).
- The military attack against Jugoslavia (From che
fare n° 49)
- Hand off Kosovo
- Against the criminal imperialist aggression in Iraq
(From che fare n°48)
- Against state repression and racism (In
support of immigrants che fare n°47 )
- Lega Nord: a political lesson of international
significance ( From che fare n° 44)
- Against the international attack of the buorgeoisie
(Our intervention to international meeting of left reformist parties in Paris, against
unemployment -may 96).
Other issues are available, they can be required by sending us
an e-mail
To look other issue in other languages click on the link: [Deutsch] [Italiano]
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che fare