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Everyone to Genoa against globalised capitalism, 
and for the globalisation of the class struggle 
and its organisation!

Police and carabinieri, the army, navy and air force, and the secret services of all of the G-8 powers (with the Italy of Berlusconi and Amato in the lead) are already deploying their terroristic forces of repression and intimidation in order to "protect" their meeting in Genoa.

The official reason is that they want to "prevent episodes of violence" (a disgustingly hypocritical statement coming from the mouths of the war-lords). The real reason is very different: to prevent the extension, reinforcement and radicalisation of a movement that, from Seattle to Nice, from Porto Alegre to Zurich, from Quebec City to Prague, has begun to react and fight against capitalist globalisation and its devastating consequences for the exploited.

We are reassuringly told that the right to demonstrate will be guaranteed – but only that of good, peaceful and democratic "protestors": i.e. those who consider the major imperialist powers counterparts for a constructive dialogue on how to regulate capitalism in a "fairer" and "sustainable" manner.

But what is there to discuss with the sharks of the exploitation of labour, the leading producers of unemployment and precariousness? What is there to discuss with the usurers who starve and strangle the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America? What is there to discuss with the assassins whose hands are still steaming with Iraqi, Somalian, Yugoslavian and Palestinian blood? What is there to discuss with the ultra-reactionary warlords who, under the guidance of Bush and the United States, are currently intent on preparing new crimes of aggression – against China first of all? What is there to discuss with the powers that are devastating nature and expropriating its immense life-giving resources for the purposes of private profit? What is there to discuss with the protectors of drug trafficking, prostitution, and the sale of human beings and their organs?

The only relationship that the "people of Seattle" and the masses of the world’s exploited can have with them and the unreformable system of globalised capitalism is one of struggle. A struggle that must become increasingly widespread, organised, united and international in order to be able to rise above the one thousand individual perverse effects of the world market to their sole cause – the decadent and anti-social system of a market economy and society – in order to cut it at its roots.

We therefore reject the intimidations and false "open-mindedness" of the G-8 lords. We are calling encouraging and preparing the greatest possible mass participation of workers and the young at Genoa in order to give new fuel to the globalisation of the class struggle and its organisation and a further boost to the only truly liberating perspective for each and every one of us: communism!