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        21 giugno 2024


Justice for Satnam Singh


The main responsibility for the barbaric murder of Indian labourer Satnam Singh lies in the racist and discriminatory policies that have been carried out by Italian and European governments for decades.

Racist policies that with the Meloni-Salvini government have had and are having a strong and further acceleration.


The main objectives of these policies are:

1.               to make immigrants live in a climate of constant blackmail and terror to force them to accept conditions of super-exploitation and starvation wages to the benefit of capitalists, corporals and mafias;

2.               create divisions and oppositions between Italian workers and immigrants, push for a war between Italian workers and immigrants to weaken both for the benefit of the bosses, the rich and the propertied;

3.               To spread racist poison among Italian workers and young people also in order to build a popular consensus for the wars of plunder and neo-colonialism that Western states are waging directly or indirectly against the Palestinian people and against the other peoples of the South of the world.


Now, in the face of the tragic death of Satnam Singh, Prime Minister Meloni, some other government officials and the mayor of Latina (from the same party as the head of government) say they are saddened and want justice. Don't believe him! It's all lies! These are crocodile tears, which among other things aim to hide the fact that the forces of the center-right are among the main sowers of the climate of racism in which the tragedy that took place in the fields of Borgo Santa Maria could have matured.


There is only one way to achieve true justice for Satnam and to prevent such crimes from happening again.

The path of the common organization of immigrant workers beyond the nation of origin, the religion professed and the possible union acronym to which they belong.

The road of the fight against the racist policies of the Meloni government, against the corporals and against their white-gloved protectors.

It is a difficult road, but a necessary one.


How difficult, but necessary, is to fight to combat all racism among Italian workers and to prepare the ground for a real and fraternal "rapprochement" between them and immigrant workers.





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