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In questa pagina pubblichiamo volantini, testi, opuscoli scritti in lingua diversa dall'italiano e dall'inglese per consentire anche ai visitatori che parlano altre lingue di conoscere le nostre posizioni politiche.

In this page we publish hand bills, texts, issues written in several languages, but Italian and English, to allow also to other visitors which speak other languages to can know our politic taking up of stands.

To look our hand bill in italian and in other languages against western   imperialism aggression to serbian people, you may go to the page against the NATO by clicking on the image

OCI campaign against NATO aggression to the Serbia
To the page against Nato Aggression

Testi in arabo - Texts in Arabic languages

On the attack on Twin Towers and Pentagon
Everyone to Genoa against globalised capitalism, and for the globalisation of the class struggle and its organisation (from che fare n. 55)
Viva la sollevazione delle masse oppresse palestinesi (10/10/00)
Southern Lebanon: the resistance of the Lebanese masses forces Israel to withdraw (from che fare n° 53)
In support of immigrants (from chefare n° 52)
Remeber Yugoslavia  (from che fare n° 51)
Yugoslavia: a "peace" in preparation for new wars (from che fare n° 50)
The military attack against Jugoslavia is an Imperialism's act of war  (from che fare n° 49)
Against the criminal imperialist aggression in Iraq  (from che fare n° 48)
Against state repression and racism in support of the revolts of the immigrants (from che fare n° 47)
Iraq: chekmate against USA. But..... (from chefare n°46
A new western crusade against the arab islamic world. (from che fare n° 45)
From the Italian crucible a political lesson of international significance (from che fare n°44)

Per i fratelli arabo-islamici che volessero conoscere meglio le nostre posizioni sull'aggressione imperialista all'Iraq e sui cardini di una vera Jiahad contro l'Occidente, abbiamo registrato una audio-cassetta in lingua araba che può essere richiesta presso le nostre sedi o alla nostra e-mail

To look our han bill in other languages clik on the link:  [English]   [Deutsch]  [Italiano]  [Français]

Working in progress chefare