new aggression war against the people of Afghanistan and against all the Islamic world, add further troubles to your troubles as it is a good opportunity for those who take advantage of your lives, for those that discriminate and criminalize you, to do it now even with more violence. Today, we can say, that all the immigrants workers – whichever are their own religion or nationality - are considered as "Islamic" to control.We Internationalist are aware of this situation and we denounce it to the local Italian workers and young people. And – in the meantime – we renew our total support to your struggles and your organizations and our brotherly disposal to open to you our local branch, especially in this moment, when you are the target of new brutal aggressions.
Berlusconi’s Government has keep his word against you with the Bossi-Fini Bill,
and launched a total war "against illegals" that announce what you
have already realized: you are considered only "labour-goods" to be
used – if necessary; and when not, to send again back to their motherlands.
You don’t have rights, you cannot lift your heads, you cannot organise
yourself. As soon as you show yourself indisposed to accept this slavery, the
Government or your owners can immediately deny the stay-permit. Before, with the
left-coalition it was not so different. The Ulivo's Government policy was quite
similar to Berlusconi’s one.
The first tool in their hands is the stay-permit. For you is the first step to get out from your "illegal" conditions, to hope to free yourself from the unofficial works and the miserable blackmails that you are compelled to suffer. For them is the instrument to control you and to try to make you "easy labour-force" in the hands of your owners. According to the new immigrants Bill it will be even more difficult to get the stay-permit and also the conditions of those that have already the "paper" will change for the worse.
Besides, with this new war you are called to answer to one more terrible attack: as you are hit and exploited in your motherlands by the economic rubbery and the war, and here as immigrants workers. Your struggle becomes more necessary and harder. But one’s again we are sure that you will be able to answer the struggle call and its tasks, reinforcing the ties between you and your people, as the struggle is against the same enemies, here and there. Untill now – even with a lot of problems and difficulties, you have always replied with the same unbowed resistance against the exploitations and the racial discriminations you are compelled to suffer. With struggles that are lessons also for Italian workers that have to learn from you. What you - yet - did not receive is the support of the Italian workers. We know that is difficult to establish this ties. The white workers see your discriminated life and work conditions and often they do not approve but they are unable to understand that those conditions are worse also for them. But now the Berlusconi’s government declare to apply the same policy also against them, probably soon it will seems clear that the destiny of the Italians and immigrants workers is bound together. Therefore we have to bridge the gap between us and press close each others in an only class front consisting of workers of all the nations, the religions (or without religion), and all kind of people.
As communist we support without conditions your struggle and the struggle of your people against imperialism and against this new criminal war to the Islamic masses and to all the South of the world!
Immediate mobilitization against the imperialist war!
Militant solidarity with the immigrant’s workers!
Stat-Permit for all without conditions!
Let’s globalize the class struggle, the class power and the class political organization against the globalized capitalism, for communism!